Added insight into financials = better business decisions
Automated reports make it easy to dive into financial statements and compare the performance of properties across your entire portfolio.
- Full-View of Hotel Performance
- Accounting Dashboards
- Automated Alerts
- On-Demand Reporting
- Automated Invoice Entry
- Digital Payment with ePay
- Search Entire Accounting History
- Industry Standard USALI Reports

Work smarter and more efficiently
Automated features eliminate tedious and redundant activity, allowing your team to work more efficiently and effectively.

- Accounts Payable Automation
- Access to Real-Time Data
- Reconciliation Automation
- Automated COA Mapping
- Automated Double Entry Accounting
- Eliminate Journal Entry Corrections
- Bank Sync and Auto Reconciliation
Multiple hotels, one accounting system
As your hotel portfolio grows, Inn-Flow makes it easy to implement a consistent set of accounting processes across all properties.

- Budgeting and Forecasting
- Overtime Alerts
- Credit Card Dispute Tracking
- Enterprise Reimbursement
- Direct PMS integrations
- Manager Approval of PMS Imports
- Invoice Management and Approval